
Common Side Effects Caused by Strabismus

Strabismus is a medical condition in which the two eyes of a person are unable to maintain the normal proper alignment and function together. One eye will be looking directly at an object while the other is misaligned. There are 4 types of strabismus condition: The strabismus condition can be intermittent or constant. The two […]

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Cosmetic Products and Our Eye Health

The eyes happen to be one of the most important organs in the human body and therefore should be given maximum care always. They are a significant part of the human face that’s always adorned with all kinds of makeup: mascara, eye liner, etc. But are these products safe to use and can one accidentally […]

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Protecting Your Eyes in the Digital Age

From the moment we get up to the moment we go to bed, more and more of us are on our smartphones, tablets, computers or other digital devices. That’s a lot of eyeballs glued to a lot of screens. If you count yourself among the ninety percent of adults who spend two or more hours […]

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